São Paulo
Good4 Pizzerias in São Paulo allow dogs, smokers, provide bike parking, special seats for kids, diaper changing facilities, accesses and adapted restrooms for wheelchair users, English menu/English-speaking staff, free wifi, strong + comfortable seats for big people, are open until very late and offer vegetarian/vegan options on their menu.
looking for other cities?
Aquipode - Good for Pizzerias in São Paulo - SP
+ bike rack
24h services
+ visually/hearing impaired
activities for children
menu in other languages
vegetarian / vegan venue
V. Santa Tereza - Av. Paraguaçu Paulista, 101 - (11) 3895-2717
V. São Francisco - Av. Dr. Candido Motta Filho, 731 - (11) 3714-8242
V. Suzana - R. Mal. Hastinfilo de Moura, 93 - (11) 0000-0000
V. Uberabinha - R. Graúna, 125 - (11) 5561-1736